When preparing for the National High School Exam, many students end up worrying more about subjects such as Math, Physics or Chemistry, because they are reputed to be the most difficult ones on the exam.

Meanwhile, the essay ends up being left aside. But the big mistake is to forget that it has a great weight in the final grade. Knowing how to write according to the Enem guidelines increases your chances in Sisu and Prouni.

Moreover, this skill will also be fundamental during your academic, professional and even personal life. You can’t neglect it!

And to help you in this mission, we have listed on today’s post 5 great tips to improve your writing skills for Enem. Get ready for what’s coming next!

5 tips to improve your writing and prepare for the essay

Since this practice is so important to get a good result in Enem, the ideal is to prepare in advance for the writing. With the right care, you will improve yourself in this task and have chances to get a 1000 grade!

Don’t waste any more time and see 5 tips to improve your writing and develop this skill the right way!

  1. Keep an eye on grammar

Swapping the “s” for the “รง” or adding an accent in the wrong place are just a few mistakes that compromise your writing. Respecting grammatical rules is essential for your output to be exactly what you need it to be. So it is very important to give priority to correct writing.

Consult the dictionary to clear doubts about the most common words, and always avoid abbreviations. Don’t write like you do on the Internet, okay? Also, don’t forget the New Orthographic Agreement that was signed some time ago. The umlaut was abolished and now hyphen and accents are different. Keep an eye on it!

  1. Read a lot

It may seem that reading is the “opposite” of writing, right? The truth is that these activities complement each other like beans and rice. By reading a lot, you gain vocabulary, see grammar in practice, and learn some writing styles. This creates a large “repertoire” and is helpful when it comes time to put it all down on paper.

Include news, various publications, and even fiction books among your readings. The news is good for keeping up to date on the world. Literary works are entertaining and increase your interest in reading.

Each of these styles has specific forms of writing. Therefore, the more you know, the more techniques you can apply.

  1. Write a little every day

Many people think so, but writing is not a talent that is born with people. It is a technique and, like any other, it can be improved with the right habits. So practice every day to get a good result.

Even if you don’t do an entire essay, create at least one paragraph in your study routine. How about trying to write stories with fewer lines than usual? This way you develop your creativity, synthesis skills, among other textual skills.

  1. Prepare a draft before you write

When it’s time to start developing your text, one of the tips for improving writing is to do some planning. The idea is to have a complete overview before you even write the first word. This helps to avoid errors, redundancies, or confusion in the line of thought.

On a piece of paper, indicate which ideas will appear in the introduction, development, and conclusion. Make notes of what you intend to say in each part and create a logical sequence. With this direction it is much easier to create something cohesive and coherent.

  1. Choose direct sentences

Do you know that mania of “winding up” just to meet the number of lines required in the Enem essay? The evaluators can easily identify this, because the text becomes uninteresting and unattractive. This can cost you, even a few points in your final grade. In professional life, a redundant report makes people lose time and become dissatisfied. So rely on direct sentences and objective content.

Prefer to construct easy sentences in direct order. Don’t be afraid to use a period instead of multiple commas in the same sentence. The goal is to create something simple to read and understand, which is also about good writing.

The importance of good writing

Many applicants think that because they are choosing courses in the exact sciences they don’t need to learn to write well. This is a huge mistake! Regardless of the field, this type of communication must be of first-rate quality.

The labor market demands text production all the time, as does academia. Even your personal life is enhanced when you can write well.

Increased chances of success

Imagine you are going to take an exam and you need to justify your answer clearly. If you do not write well, you run the risk that the professor will not understand what you mean, and you will get a lower grade. It happens in a similar way when preparing a research project or even a final term paper.

In the professional world, it is not much different. You will need to put together reports and use various text tools, which means using words in the right way. After all, you don’t want to deliver a poor quality paper, do you?

On top of all this, the essay is a very important part of the Enem. So knowing how to write well helps you get a higher score and can even help you win a scholarship, for example.

Strengthened communication

Another justification for using tips to improve writing is that it is a way to communicate with the world. You can talk about your interests, needs or requests through a well constructed text.

More than “writing neatly,” developing this skill allows you to present your ideas clearly. Far from any ambiguity or confusion, you can convey quality information.

Positive professional image

By the way, your writing ability has everything to do with people’s perception of you. In the professional space, this is even more important if you want to demonstrate career credibility.

Good writing plays in your favor and proves that you are capable of taking on certain responsibilities. It goes a long way in making your personal marketing even better!

With these tips for improving your writing skills, it’s not only the ENEM essay that will become easier. Many everyday activities, studies and work will be favored, so it’s time to get down to business.